Customize a Standard Document type

Learn how to customize (i.e. add, remove fields/fieldsets/sections) a Standard Document type (SDT)

The structure in the Parashift platform is hierarchical. The parent is tenant 42, which is maintained by Parashift and thus provides the standard document types to each tenant.
A standard document type has some predefined fields associated with it. This collection does not have to be complete in every case, so it may be necessary to add or remove individual fields.

Update Standard Document Type

By making a default document type "live", the owner (issuer) of the document type remains the Tenant 42. This keeps the link to the original document type.
From time to time, default document types may change on the Tenant 42, adding or removing fields. Via the menu item Inherit again, the most current configuration is transferred to the tenant.

Since the platform works with versioning, a second entry of this document type is created and displayed in the overview. It is important to inactivate the previous document type first and to activate the new document type (= set "live"), because only one document type with same identifier can be "live" at same time.

To keep a little order it is possible to delete the existing document type as well, using the menu item Delete document-type.

Create Local Copy of a Standard Document Type

To add or remove fields, you need a local copy of the document type. For this, use Copy document-type to create a copy of the document type. Again, make sure that only one document type with the same identifier is "live".

You can recognize the copy of the document type by the Issuer column. This is now no longer the 42, but your tenant number (here 2567).

Add/Delete Fields from Document Type

The document type can be edited for document types that are assigned to the own tenant.

The structure of the document type can be seen in the "Fields" tab. This is divided into individual sections (1). Each section has a heading (2), here "Sender address" and "General Information", which can be customized. The order of the individual sections can be changed or sections can be deleted completely via the options (3).

A section is either associated with a fieldset (like the sender address (4)) or a collection of individual fields (like the general information).

You can delete single fields (5) or add an associated field to the fieldset (6) or a new single field to an section (7).

Since the address recognition works via rectangles, it is necessary to leave the top (Company name / Contact name) and the bottom (Postal code / City) elements in a address.

Add a new field to a fieldset

If you try to add a field to a fieldset, a popup of all fields will be shown, which belongs to this fieldset. You can activate a field and press "Apply Field" to add the new one.

Add a new single field

The list of fields can be filtered. You can either select an existing field and add it via "Add" or you can create a completely new field.