Done, Save, Force-Done, and Forwarding to 1st/2nd/3rd Level

Learn how to finish your validation or hand it over to colleagues if you need support.


  • Done
    By pressing the Done button, all changes are saved and the document processing is completed
  • Save
    The Save button allows you to save your validations without ending the process. This is useful if you need to pause your validation task.
  • Force Done
    Use Force Done sparingly. This option finishes processing without validating all fields. Unvalidated fields won’t contribute to our machine learning models, so no improvement is gained for those fields.

Forwarding to Another Level

If you need assistance from a colleague—or if you’ve already provided assistance and want to send the document back—you can forward your document to a different level:

  • Forward: Next Level
    Sends your document one level up.
  • Custom Level
    You can also pick a specific level (1st, 2nd, or 3rd) directly.